2kilos &More: Måløy | Toward Selbjørn Bridge - Bekkjarvik, Noruega - Norway

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2kilos &More


Toward Selbjørn Bridge - Bekkjarvik, Noruega - Norway

lat.: 60.0171, long.: 5.2040

About the work

Here is a special ambient piece created especially for the Acoustic Cameras project. (2016 - 2kilos &More)

About the artist

2kilos &More is a project from Paris created in 2003. Up to now, they recorded five albums (on some different labels as Ant-Zen) and toured throughout Europe.
Atypical and contemporary, their music can be associated in the realm of Autechre, along with Sonic Youth. Their project, half feminine and half masculine, neo rock and neo electro, attempts to create a true parity coupled to a large range of musical styles.